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Voice & Meeting Rooms

As the world moves to a hybrid or work from home model, effective communication and collaboration become increasingly important

We are able to design, implement and if required manage a variety of solutions including both SIP and Microsoft Teams based telephony solutions as well as online meeting solutions and meeting rooom solutions

We are certified AudioCodes, Cisco, Crestron, Microsoft, Poly and Yealink partners although we are able to provide solutions from other vendors as required 

Please contact us to find out more and how we can help you

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PrimalCloud® | Copyright© Truffiere SARL | +33 (0)5 17 10 00 36 | 1, Impasse de la Bourbonniere, 79120, Messe | Immatriculée au RCS Niort 894 790 146 | Siret 894 790 146 00019 | TVA intracommunautaire FR16894790146