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Managed Services

With many years expeience operating and supporting services and platforms for companies of all sizes we are able to provide a wide variety of managed services, whether that is simply managing your Microsoft 365 configuration and services on your behalf or more we can flexibly adapt to your unique requirements

As we have worked across defence, justice and police we are highly security conscious and apply the same security mindset regardless of customer sector. This applies not just to the normal network security but also physical security, application security and business processes.

Please contact us to find out more and how we can help you

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PrimalCloud® | Copyright© Truffiere SARL | +33 (0)5 17 10 00 36 | 1, Impasse de la Bourbonniere, 79120, Messe | Immatriculée au RCS Niort 894 790 146 | Siret 894 790 146 00019 | TVA intracommunautaire FR16894790146